Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Term 3 P.M.P Rocks

We have begun doing P.M.P this term, we have already decided we love it! Here are some of the stories that the children wrote today...

Yesterday we went to PMP. I am the leader. I liked the lily pads. Hazel

I liked the tunnel and the beam. Sebastian

I am the leader and I liked the tunnel. Charlie

I am going to the PMP at the hall. I liked the tunnel. William

I am going to PMP in the hall. I like the tunnel. Lucas

I am going to the hall for PMP. I liked the lily pads. Meeah

Yesterday we went to PMP in the hall. I am the leader of the group. Jackson

I went to PMP at the hall. I liked the beam. Samuel

I am going to the PMP at the hall. I liked everything. Liam

Yesterday we went to PMP in the hall. I Liked the tunnel. Faith