Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas in Room 16

Our Rudolf's

Our Christmas tree complete with personalised baubles.

Gorgeous Angels, made with hand prints.

Christmas Tree's with a wee bit of maths thrown in!

Junior Assembly

Well Done Tanesha  and Amelia working so hard in Room 16.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dancing Diva's and Dudes

Gorgeous friends, and a loud fun hour.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Allenton School Kapahaka

Can you spy our very talented Annaliese in the front row? And  right beside her is Chloe from Room 15. We were so very proud of you for performing for us. You were outstanding. Well Done.

Junior Assembly 22 November

Congratulations to Ben, James, Katelyn, Savena and Bailey. What wonderful motivated Allenton ACES.

Phoenix Preschool Visit

We had a lovely time today. 6 friends from Phoenix Preschool came to visit us, before they start school next year. We taught them a few facts about Native New Zealand birds and then we made a Ruru (morepork) together. It was lovely to see them and we cant wait for them to join us next year.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Half...What's a half???

Today we had a maths lesson on halves, there was so much amazing language and buddy talking that I thought I was in a Year 2 class! We certainly are maths whizzes.

 We pretended we were at a party and had to share the lollies with a friend.
"One for you and one for me,"
"what will we do with the left over lolly?"
"We have both got the same amount"

We cut a play dough pancake in half. It has to be the same on both sides.
Then if you cut a half in half again you have four pieces of play dough pancake!

Booster Rooster comes to Visit

Wow Booster Rooster told us all about how to be safe in the car. Very soon the law changes and we MUST be in a car seat until the age of 7.
We learnt how the seat belt needs to sit across our chest and our lap.
Thanks Booster Rooster for all your help, we will be super safe now.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Junior Assembly 6 September

Me a Little Monster? Nah!!

"My Mum thinks I am a little monster when, I don't brush my teeth," says Charlotte

"My Mum thinks I am a little monster when I don't eat my vegetables," said Chiara

"My Mum thinks I am a little monster when, I don't pick up my toys," said Toby and Dontae

"My Mum thinks I am a little monster when, I annoy my little sister." said Bailey

We rang Mrs Hollings Mum and she said that Mrs Hollings was a little monster when she didn't tidy her room.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


We are learning to measure objects using a variety of tools. Today we used rods to find out how long our shoes are...

Mufti Day

We love mufti day.