Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Circuits - Electricity

Professor Amanda visited again today, she brought a long an electrical circuit. It had a battery and a light bulb.

To help us to understand we went outside and made our own circuit.
Professor Amanda was the battery, the chairs  were the light bulb (resistor) and the straight lines on the court was the wire.

As we (the electrons) passed the battery, Amanda gave us a M and M to give us the energy to go around the circuit.

When we came to the light bulb (chairs) we had to slow down.
Electrons CAN NOT pass. Once all the M and M's were gone the battery and electrons went flat.


This term we are exploring science... this week we are learning about magnets. To help the children understand the poles on a magnet we put the symbols on our hands and attracted and repelled them. Below is a catchy tune to remind you.
Isla and Lucas demonstrated the poles on magnets.

Negative and positive attract.

Negative and Negative repel

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Play Ball

A gorgeous winter day and the children were outside with Coach Robbie and Coach Ryan. They had so much fun and enjoyed learning new skills with trapping and kicking a ball and throwing a small ball.  You never know the next Valerie Adams may have been here today!

Loved how the coaches taught the children, the tennis ball was the phone to make them hold it to their ear and then a push follow through. CLEVER.

Science Experiment

This term we are excited about Science, we are lucky to have a wonderful parent who is a teacher of chemistry, and her enthusiasm has inspired the class. Professor Amanda comes to see us every Tuesday for hands on experiments.

Our first experiment was about fat molecules (oil) and soap molecules.

Our second experiment was milk, food colouring and detergent. The children watched in fascination as the milk broiled and moved as the detergent reacted with the fat in the milk.

The children observed and then drew what they saw after one minute and then again after 5 minutes.

Maori Language Week 2014

This week the children have rotated around several of the Junior classrooms, where they have been introduced to new words and thinking in Te Reo.

They learnt how to sing Happy Birthday in Maori.

Parts of the Body

Maui and the Sun

They also made a gorgeous head bands

We are so fortunate to have a beautiful language that is ours and ours alone. The children have embraced learning new words, and following instructions in Te Reo. We are going to continue learning a word a week so that by the end of the year we have a fantastic bank of learning.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014