Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dissecting a Cows Eye

Professor Amanda bought in cows eyes. We cut them in half, the jelly escaped from the eye. We found the optic nerve at the back of the eye. It travels from the eye to the brain. We gently pulled the lens from the eye and put it onto newspaper it really magnifies the words. The retina at the back of the eye is the same colour as a paua shell.


We've made symmetrical mittens, butterflies and dragon flies. It has been an awesome week of learning. Ask me anything!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Acid or Base?

We had stations set up around the room and we went around testing all of these things to see if they were and acid or a base. The water and fizzy water were neutral which meant they were a green colour on the acid base indicator. Their were lots of interesting conversations and predictions. What do you know about bases and acids. Can you tell mum and dad.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Can you guess?

Today, we were so fortunate to have friends from Room 6 join us to share their writing. We had to guess what their clues were. Thanks for sharing. We can't wait to share our stories with you too.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

S'mores, love blends when they're this much fun!

"Tara do you know what starts with sm?"

Assembly, 8 August

Well done Isabella and Charlie.

Parts of a flower

We had to use very soft and gentle fingers to pull off the petals. Then we took out the pollen. Isla is holding a stamen. Once we had split the ovum we discovered the tiny eggs.

The next part of our lesson was to learn is it a vegetable or  a fruit... the scientific description of a piece of fruit is something with seeds. So then what about pumpkin? Courgette? Tomato? WHAT DO YOU THINK?