Friday, February 27, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Our own A Ha Ka Ma

We are practicing really hard with Mrs Thomas and we are getting better all the time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Buddy Reading with Room 24

We are so lucky that each week Room 24 and Mrs McKinnon come to visit us. Today we were able to share our ME books, under the tree.

Week 2 Song, Enjoy

Pancake Day

Today we made pancakes with Room 7. We talked about the ingredients and then we collaborated in our groups. We shared the job of getting the ingredients and then mixing the batter. Once the pancake batter was mixed we poured a small bit into the hot frying pan and cooked one side of the pancake and then we flipped it. We had to be very careful that we didn't burn ourselves.
Finally we got to eat them... they were delicious.

Thank you to Fe, Katrina and our own Mrs Thomas.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 3, Sing along

We are learning more and more commands in Maori, this will definitely help us with our pronunciation.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

World Cup Cricket

We had the most amazing afternoon at Elmwood Park on Friday. We all walked to the park and when we got there, 8 fantastic sports coaches from Louie's room helped us to play cricket.

Holly and Emilia helped the fielders, Isobel and Alia helped one group of batters, Daisy and Jessie helped the other batters and Nicholas and Paige where the brilliant organisers and encouragers.

Thank you so much for making it an awsome time, we hope you come and kidnap us again for cricket.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Jelly Bean Maths!!!!

Today we did our last day of Statistics... and what better way than with jelly beans.

First we made predictions and talked about our favourite flavour. Brodie thought that blue would have the most. Jordyn thought there would be more pink and Sophie thought perhaps white.(she had her fingers crossed as they are her favourites!)
We sorted them into there colours, but we still couldn't tell so we decided to put them onto an axis and make a graph.

We counted them and talked about the results. Yellow was the colour that there was the most of. Tara was dissapointed that there was only 6 black!

Gathering Friday 13th February

Congratulations to Isobel and Isla, for working so beautifully in Room 6B. Well Done

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Amazing Self Managers

The expectation after morning tea is that the children will come into the class get their book box and sit down to read through their books. Sometimes they read to themselves and sometimes with a friend. Much to my delight, today when I walked into the room this is what I saw. Room 6B, you are truly amazing. x

Dance with Hayley

Some serious moving and grooving happened today with Hayley. We are doing a dance to a great kiwi song '6 months in a Leaky Boat' We even managed to practise it in the pool!