Sunday, June 21, 2015

Matariki - Song...follow the link

About three quarters of the way into this link the children have been singing this song about the Matariki stars. They requested it went on the blog so they could sing it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Matariki Coming soon

Find out what the children are talking about! Over the next week we will be setting goals and thinking about the next 6 months and what we want to achieve.

Our focus in the mornings and next week will be about Matariki, so prepare to be informed!

Art with the Christchurch Art Gallery

We were so lucky today to have a tutor from the Christchurch Art Gallery join us to help us make our very own clay monsters, aliens dragons?

This is the photo's of the early work... we have to wait a week for them to air dry before we can paint them.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Gravity, Physical World

For the next 6 weeks we will be doing a science rotation, forces and friction, sound and magnets are the stations we will move around. Here is one of the activities.
We dropped a teddy with no parachute and then 4 different sized parachutes. The bigger the parachute the slower the teddy will drift to the ground. We made a hypothesis and then did the experiment. This experiment was almost perfect with a few variables!

More non standard measurement - this time with paper clips

We had to work with a buddy to figure out how many paper clips to use to measure some spooky objects.
The tricky part was making sure there was no gaps between each paper clip and then we had to be very clever and think about 1/2's too. We are really using all our new learning at maths time. It is fantastic to see the children's enthusiasm for maths.

Buddy Fun

It was a pleasure on Tuesday to go out with our Buddy class (Room 24) they taught us how to catch a small ball with our fingers making a w. We had so much fun. Thank you Room 24 Alex and Mrs McKinnon.

Halves and Quarters

Using playdough and shapes we looked at how we could cut the objects in half. Without realising it we also cut them using symmetry!

Non Standardised Measurement

We realised that our Mums buy our shoes big when we measure our shoe and then our foot! The children used linking  blocks to measure how long their shoes were.