Thursday, October 22, 2015


You may notice that the children make hand signals and are beginning to speak about making connections. Here is an explanation using Minecraft.

The Learning Journey

Take a moment to watch this... I think it reminds us all to stop and enjoy the journey. The children's learning journey is so important, we want it to be as meaningful as we can make it. They need to know the why of learning before we reach the end.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Story Time

We are so fortunate in six b to have beautiful readers who are able to read to the class. Today it was Isobel's turn. She read the story of Aunt Mary's shopping expedition a scarf for a giraffe a hat for a rat. The children loved the rhyming and she did a superb job. I may just be redundant!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Primary and Secondary Colours

We mixed our secondary colours using the primary colours. Then we had to think about names... My favourite is bogey green!