Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Diwali, Another New Year!

We are so International in Room 8. Not only have we celebrated a European New Year but a Chinese New Year, Matariki and now Diwali.

Today the children made Rongali patterns. This is an art form, from Nepal India and Bangladesh. Patterns are created on the floor in living rooms, or courtyards using materials such as coloured rice, coloured sand or flower petals...we made do with colouring in pencils. The children might like to print these off and colour them in.

The Amazing Stu Duval

We were so fortunate to have Stu visit us today. An amazing storyteller and illustrator. The children were spellbound, as was I.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fabulous Fun in Space

Today Space Odyssey was here. The MilkyWay, the 8 planets, and the moon were hot topics. Many thanks to Janine, Maxine, Kirsty, and Irene. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Want to know more about the moon... well here it is

Today we took a look at this video and discovered more about the new moon, full moon and all the different ones in between.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Celebrating our trimester of learning.

Amazing to see everyone today. Love listening to the sharing your children do with you. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Moon Songs - Lots of Learning

Two great songs that we are listening to this week. Learning all about the Moon, waxing, waning full, and new.

Marama -The Moon


If you miss the moon, one evening here is a link to help you see what is happening in the night sky.

Today we recorded Facts or Fiction from our ideas about the moon...

1. The moon is big, but smaller than the sun.
2. There is no gravity on the moon.
3. There are craters on the moon.

1. The moon looks like cheese.
2. The moon is made of yellow rocks.
3. Aliens live in the craters.
4. The moon and the sun are the same (still need to prove this!)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Next Trimester.... Space the Final Frontier

Starting on the 22 of August we will be wrapping up our Technology unit and moving onto Space. This is a link to the N.A.S.A kids page, have fun.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Olympic Fun

Our fun facts are starting to go up on the wall, well done finishing homework and finding out information about Mexico.

To celebrate being in Rio for the Olympics we made carnival masks. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Our Olympic Country is.... MEXICO

Over the next few weeks before the olympics we will be talking about our country Mexico.

Your homework will be to find out an interesting fact to share with the class about Mexico.

I've found a Mariachi band to listen to! For our dress up day we will need sombrero's, mustaches and poncho's. It's time to hunt them out in the dress up box. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Carpet Picnic Term Two

How lucky are we. Our Mummy's and Daddy's came along to see our work. It was very special to share what we have been doing and why we were so proud of it.
I love how the children talk to each other and I am grateful to all the wonderful parents that listen to other children as well as their own.

The Talented Pianist in Room Eight

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The New Mural

What an amazing process to watch, the five Elmwood values and pictures of the children in the school holidays.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Doubles, Doubles I can add doubles


Cyber Safety

We were so fortunate to listen to John Parsons. He spoke to the children about their circle of safety. Inside their circle there is them, family and friends.
DO NOT talk to strangers and give out information. We watched the clip below. I hope this generates conversation with your children.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


With Shevaun joining us she brings amazing Te Reo, so it's time to brush up my skills and share our song this week.

Such Fun

Today in reading we had two books with mice in them. One was a non-fiction book and was very informative for the children. The other group read about Brave Father Mouse... this got me thinking about a funny You Tube clip, I have attached so you can enjoy it with your family.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


We have had the most fabulous day at Ferrymead. The children enjoyed a tram ride, going to school in the early 1900's, household chores, baking at the bakery and finally training to be apprentice shop keepers.
Many thanks to Janine, Maxine, Nicky, Shara and Steven, who were absolutely amazing and without them the trip would not have been the same.

I liked the bakery the best, I wanted to make a biscuit for my sister. To make the oven hot they had to make a fire. By Kyle
There was a lot of dust when did the tug of war. We had a long rope and the boys were on one end and the girls were on the other end. By Ceci
We hung the clothes on the line with wooden pegs. we used soap and water  in the tubs and then we used the wrangler to get rid of all the water. By Fayha
We went to an old fashioned classroom, we had to do some work for the grumpy teacher, Mr Green. If you were naughty he had a stick and a strap to smack your hand and your bottom. By Alex B

We did jobs for Mrs Hill at the General Store,we had a list and a basket and we had to find the items in the store. By Kaiah

The train was fun and fast. By Ava

I liked the playground I liked the bell on the truck. It was very loud and dingy! By Troy