Wednesday, May 11, 2016


With Shevaun joining us she brings amazing Te Reo, so it's time to brush up my skills and share our song this week.

Such Fun

Today in reading we had two books with mice in them. One was a non-fiction book and was very informative for the children. The other group read about Brave Father Mouse... this got me thinking about a funny You Tube clip, I have attached so you can enjoy it with your family.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


We have had the most fabulous day at Ferrymead. The children enjoyed a tram ride, going to school in the early 1900's, household chores, baking at the bakery and finally training to be apprentice shop keepers.
Many thanks to Janine, Maxine, Nicky, Shara and Steven, who were absolutely amazing and without them the trip would not have been the same.

I liked the bakery the best, I wanted to make a biscuit for my sister. To make the oven hot they had to make a fire. By Kyle
There was a lot of dust when did the tug of war. We had a long rope and the boys were on one end and the girls were on the other end. By Ceci
We hung the clothes on the line with wooden pegs. we used soap and water  in the tubs and then we used the wrangler to get rid of all the water. By Fayha
We went to an old fashioned classroom, we had to do some work for the grumpy teacher, Mr Green. If you were naughty he had a stick and a strap to smack your hand and your bottom. By Alex B

We did jobs for Mrs Hill at the General Store,we had a list and a basket and we had to find the items in the store. By Kaiah

The train was fun and fast. By Ava

I liked the playground I liked the bell on the truck. It was very loud and dingy! By Troy

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Skip Counting in 2's

This weeks song. I live in two different Worlds

Autumnal Fun

We are so fortunate that Bill has collected leaves for us. The most amazing sight meet us this morning, the biggest widest pile of yellowy, reddy, golden leaves was out in the middle of the field. We ran and jumped into the pile the leaves crinkled and crackled under our feet. W tossed them in the air. They definitely made us itchy, and we had leaved tangled in our hair.