Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Statistics... I wonder?

This is a people graph, we wanted to see how many children wore a head band. We discovered their were only 2. Which means 18 people did not wear headbands to school on the 5th of February.

This graph shows the number of girls and the number of boys in Room 8.

Tara, wondered how many letters were in our names, so we created a bar graph. We had a great discussion about what the graph showed us. We discovered that 3 people had only 3 letters in their name. Constance and Alexandra have 9 letters in their names, which is the most in the class. The most common number of letters in our names is 6.

We made a tally, it showed us the different coloured eyes that are in our class. We discovered that it is a bit tricky to read a tally and it was much easier to graph the information and then talk about it.
Tara drew a quick graph about hair colour which you can also see in the picture. Perhaps you can talk about the results at home.
What colour hair do  most people have?
What colour hair do the least amount of people have?
Are their any colours that have the same number of people in it?

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