Monday, April 27, 2015

Visiting Nurse Maude for ANZAC Day

 What a wonderful experience taking our Recipe for Peace poems and our ANZAC biscuits to the Nurse Maude home. The children were even given afternoon tea!
It was very special watching children approach these amazing old people and give their work and biscuit to them. They were so brave introducing themselves and showing their work. We sang them See the Soldier (which is recorded on a previous blog). A very, very emotional experience.

1 comment:

  1. 6A and 6B you are amazing! How lovely to visit the Nurse Maude home and brighten up their day. It was brave of you to make some new friends. Anzac Day is one of my favourite special days in New Zealand. This year my mum and dad were at Gallipoli on Anzac Day because my grandfather fought there.
    I hope you are all doing lots of wonderful learning in 6B.
    From Mrs Thomas
