Thursday, May 14, 2015

Katydid - A New Zealand Cricket

Yesterday at lunchtime, a strange creature hopped onto Jordyn's lunchbox and then onto Isla's dress. We didn't know what it was...
Today, we figured out what it was. It is a Katydid  a native bug from New Zealand.  It is from the same family as the grasshopper, but it is a little bit different.
A grasshopper has spikes on its big jumping legs.
The Katydid has a fatter body than a grasshopper.
The grasshopper has a slim body and the Katydid has a body shaped like a leaf.
The grasshopper has bigger eyes and they are a different colour.
The grasshopper has bigger antennae.
They both have 6 legs, they're green, and they can camouflage themselves.

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