Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Diwali, Another New Year!

We are so International in Room 8. Not only have we celebrated a European New Year but a Chinese New Year, Matariki and now Diwali.

Today the children made Rongali patterns. This is an art form, from Nepal India and Bangladesh. Patterns are created on the floor in living rooms, or courtyards using materials such as coloured rice, coloured sand or flower petals...we made do with colouring in pencils. The children might like to print these off and colour them in.

The Amazing Stu Duval

We were so fortunate to have Stu visit us today. An amazing storyteller and illustrator. The children were spellbound, as was I.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fabulous Fun in Space

Today Space Odyssey was here. The MilkyWay, the 8 planets, and the moon were hot topics. Many thanks to Janine, Maxine, Kirsty, and Irene. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Want to know more about the moon... well here it is

Today we took a look at this video and discovered more about the new moon, full moon and all the different ones in between.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Celebrating our trimester of learning.

Amazing to see everyone today. Love listening to the sharing your children do with you.