Blogging Guidelines

We would love for you join our blog or leave us a comment but we ask that you stick to these guidelines...

·         Always use appropriate words.

·         If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, click the red 'x' and tell a teacher.

·         Be careful about what you put on the blog,m always check spelling.

·         Ask before you put someone's picture on the blog.

·         Only use first names and never write your address or phone number.

·         Make sure what you write is true.


  1. Hi Room 8, it is so wonderful to see the many fun and exciting things you have been learning about. You are the smartest counters I know! Well done everyone. Happy Friday and Happy Birthday to the Queen.
    From Anna (Isabella and cheeky Ceci's Mummy)

  2. Hi Room 8 it is Isabella here, I have been given a book about
    the great cities of the world. I can't wait to show it to you!
