Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Making Fairy Bread

Today we made fairy bread. We had to spread the butter
carefully, and then add the sprinkles. We cut the bread into
4 pieces. It was YUMMY!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Beautiful Art

Whole School Assembly, 8 June

Introducing all our new friends at Whole School Assembly 8 June

Sebastian recieved a certificate for being an  amazing member of the class.

Sam recieved acertificate for writing amazing stories after only 2 weeks at school.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Junior Assembly 1 June 2012

Liam got a certificate for being an amazing reader.

Faith is a terrific story writer, just like Joy Cowley

Casey is going to be a famous artist, her art is fantastic.

Charlie is an awesome Allenton kid, becasue he is always honest.