Friday, August 24, 2012

Check out Jump Jam

This is us practising Jump Jam, Enjoy.

Assembly 24.08.12

Well Done Tenaya and Sebastain, Tenaya knows all her alphabet and Sebastian is now readng at level 4. WOW

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fire Engine

The brand new Fire Engine for Ashburton.

I am looking at the fire engine I saw the seats. Hazel
I went to the fire engine. Tenaya
We went in the fire engine. I saw the hose. The fire engine is cool. Jackson
I went to go to see the fire engine. It was red and yellow. Faith
I looked at the fire engine in the car park. The fire engine was red. Kalia

Sunday, August 12, 2012

School Assembly, 10.08.12

Well done, Hazel and William.

More Book Week

We bought along our favourite books,and Mrs Hollings read us one of our favourites each day.

We came dressed as our favourite book character... I spy with my little eye, two Tinkerbell's, a Hungry Caterpillar, 6 Spidermen (good and evil),  Batman, Bumblebee, Mary Poppins, Smokey the Bear, Tin Tin, Sam I Am and Mary Rosser Fairy. And crazy Open Plan teachers who went as Thing 1 Thing 2 and the Cat in the Hat. (Fortunately there is no photographic evidence LOL.)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Book Week 6- 10 August

Charlie and Cameron reading together.

Faith and Meeah listening to a Year 4 reading.

Emily and Casey enjoying a picture book.

This week at school it is book week. Every day an older class comes to read to us and share their stories. We share our reading too. After lunch a different teacher comes to read a stories to us.

We love books

Friday, August 3, 2012

Junior Assembly 3 August

Wow, Well Done Kalia, Meeah outstanding reading and Olivia for being wonderfully respectful.