Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We looked in our lunch boxes to see what eveyone had...

We made a tally chart.

 We made a bar graph.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Spring Art

We love Spring, the days are getting warmer, the sun is out, the daffodils are blooming, the blossom is drifting to the ground and making it look like snow. The lambs are in the paddock, FROLICKING and CAVORTING!!!

                  Gotta love spring.

Malo, Tonga

   Today Feleti's Mum came to tell us about her culture Tonga. We all sat on the fala (mat) and learnt about the food, the alphabet and some Tongan words.

Sam wanted to know why it was hot, and so we got out the map of the world and talked about the equator. This was really interesting and we quickly realised why New Zealand is colder than Tonga. Sometimes the people in Tonga can spend all day at the beach even in winter!

Malo  means Thank you
Lesi is pawpaw
Meleni is Melon
Faina is pineapple
Alu a is Goodbye
Ofa atu is I love you

Malo Sita, we loved learning about Tonga.

Pajama Day

 Today we wore our PJ's to school as a class reward. We had a pillow fight and all snuggled down together under blankets to watch a movie. Some of us were so tired after a big week at school we had a wee sleep. Nighty Night.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shared Lunch Term 3

 We love it when our Mum's and Dad's come to visit us. It gives us a chance to show off! We took the time to look at Topic, Maths and Reading as well as handwriting and stories. Thanks for coming everyone.