Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our visit to the worm farm.

Come in and read our amazing recounts, they are up on the wall.

Carpet Picnic, Numero Uno

We had the most delicious time with our Mummy's and Daddy's on Wednesday the 19th. We got out all our books and showed them what we were most proud of.  It was a special time. Thanks everyone x

More outside reading in Autumn

Two amazing readers, enjoying the sun and reading to me, how lucky am I.

Reading outside

The Tiggers reading group enjoying a sunny day reading "A Party for Brown Mouse"

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Elgrego visits us

Today Elgrego came to the Auditorium. We watched the show. I liked when the girl went in the box. By Isla
I am going to the auditorium, the parrots were cool. The magician got parrots on his hand. By Ollie
Today I went to Elgrego. I liked the boy and the big parrot. By Lucas

I saw Elgrego he is magic. By Charlie
Today we went to the Auditorium to see Elgrego. I loved when he did magic. By Matilda
Today I went to the auditorium. There was a magician. My favorite was when the parrot was a toy. By Ben

Elgrego and Sue visited us at Elmwood Normal School today. He had so many birds that he seemed to pull out of thin air. He made Sue disappear and Harlem had to get a bigger wand to make a bird appear.

Today I saw Elgrego at the auditorium. I liked the parrot. By Tom
I went to the auditorium and I liked the birds because they are red. I also liked the puppets. Elgrego was the magician. By Charlize

I went to the auditorium and I liked the birds because they're so colourful. By Imogen
I liked the parrots because they are colorful and cool. By Joshie
Today we went to the auditorium and a magician got some colourful birds. They came out of no where! By Alexandra

I liked when Sue went in the box. And I liked the birds too. By Isabella
I love how the puppet spoke very funny. I loved how the magicians get the parrots also. The magicians name was Elgrego. By Sneha
Today we went to the auditorium we saw Elgrego. He is a magician. I like magicians because they can fly. By Constance

We went to the auditorium we saw a magician his name was Elgrego. I liked it. By Sophia
I liked the parrots and the white bird that came from the picture. By Cameron
Today we went to the auditorium and we saw Elgrego. By Luca

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


We are learning about recycling... Did you know that in Christchurch we recycle up to 3. The children are getting very good at recycling and finding the recycling triangle.
Have you been inspired to recycle better at home?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

First School Assembly

Congratulations Tom and Imogen, you deserved this certificate. Way to go x