Monday, June 30, 2014

Gretchen Albrecht

We have done the most beautiful art this term as part of our painting. We looked at local artist Gretchen Albrecht, she created works of art that were a hemisphere and she used different colours in each quadrant.
Gretchen would make her work, approximately the sweep of her arm. We tried this too. We did a base colour and then chose other colours to go over top.
I think you'll agree they are outstanding.


We are learning so many wonderful things about Matariki.

Did you know that Matariki means 'tiny eyes' in english
Did you know that Matariki is the Maori New Year
There are 7 stars that make up the Matariki constellation. It disappears from our skies and then reappears.
If the stars are hazy it means a cold year. If they are bright and clear the year will be amazing! Did you know on Saturday morning they were clear and bright YIPPEE.

We made our very own constellation, we hung them on the wall.
Did you know Matariki is a time for preserving food?

Cameron, Our Little Super Star

Cameron was our winner for Room Eight speech competition. He was so brave and got up in front of 200 

children. He recited Pease Porridge Hot, Cameron even did actions! The judges thought he was awesome.
The judges thought he spoke clearly, with great pace and variation. He used gestures and had fabulous eye contact with the audience.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Way to go Tom👍

Tom knows all his Early Words. Congratulations he has worked very hard this term. I am very proud 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Butter, did you know we made it!

We made yellow mellow butter... Would you like to know how we made it?

We poured cream into a jar and made sure the lid did not come off! We shook and shook and then shook some more. Until we had a lump of butter and some other liquid. This liquid was called butter milk.
We added salt to the butter and then we made our very own sandwiches.

Shared Lunch Term 2