Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Roles and Responsibilites

This trimester we have looked at various roles and responsibilities of people in the groups we belong to.
​In Room 7 and 8 we all belong to a family, a class and Elmwood Normal School.

We started by looking at our own responsibilities, then those of the people in our family and those of the people at Elmwood Normal School.

We formed questions then interviewed the some of the Staff.

Now Tara wonders which job we would like most at Elmwood Normal School. Parents and friends can vote too! We will look at the results in term 2.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3D Shapes

Today we built a cube. All Tara said was that we needed 12 sticks and blue tack. Then there was silence as everyone tried to think what to do.
What do we know about 3D shapes, you can hold them, stack some and they are fat not flat!

We also used 2D shapes to make pictures. Here are a few. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


We used small and large containers to measure filling to capacity.

Tara tried to trick us... We thought that bottle number  4 held the most liquid but when we measured they were all the same. So what did we learn, that sometimes fat and short can hold as much as tall and skinny. 

Farewell Belinda

Thanks Belinda, it's been a great 7 weeks. 

Off to see Miss Harris

These three young writers took their amazing work to see Miss Harris.