Sunday, March 27, 2016

Small Sticks

Last swim, until term 4

Procedural Writing

Yum, yum peanut butter and or jam sandwiches. 
The children spied bread on the table...
"What can we do with that?" I asked.

Make toast 
Feed the ducks
Make crumbs for sausage rolls!
Put it in the toaster 
Make a sandwich (finally!)

And that's what we did, who spreads butter on both slices? Jam on both or just one. Cut in half or quarters or eat it while. What about the crusts?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


This week we began our maths unit on Capacity. Here is a small game to encourage conversation at home.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Discovery- Autumn 11 March

Discovery Learning began today. This is an opportunity to use creativity, excellence, collaboration, show excellence and empathy. As Year 1's we gather together and then choose where we want to go and do our learning.
The focus is on Discovery so children to be exploring cutting, gluing, designing as much as they can themselves.
We are alongside children engaging them in conversation talking about what they are seeing and doing.


Jump Jam with Miss Harris

We are so fortunate that Miss Harris is a Jump Jam Queen. She led us with two new songs on Friday. Once we get the moves, we may get the chance to led the jamming as well!